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Pixels was created as a way of getting together and talking about games. It has since grown into an annual event, that combines education, networking and at its core - the shared passion about all things gaming.

We offer a stage for interesting people to share insights on business, financing game projects and employment possibilities within the industry, as well as for unique companies to showcase what they do, and help future professionals gain visibility.

The event is free and streamed online via Youtube, no registration needed. Interaction and networking happen via Discord.

For this year’s line-up of company presentations, keynote speakers, workshops and game demo showcases keep scrolling!

Hosted by

Violeta Ivanova

Chairman of PoriES and creator of the Pixels event series. Vice Hub Lead of IGDA Pori and Esports physical performance coach.


Jani Gröhn

Game development teacher at Sataedu. Hub Lead of IGDA Pori, creator of International College Jam series and board member of Finnish Game Jam ry.



International College Jam #2 (6 - 9.3)

Pixels 3 by PoriES (10.3)

International College Jam #2 schedule:

(for the latest ICJ#2 updates, please keep an eye on the itch.io page)

6th March, Monday

  • 10:30 Opening by Jani Gröhn and theme announcement

7th March, Tuesday

  • 10:30 Morning coffee stream by Jani Gröhn

8th March, Wednesday

  • 10:30 Morning coffee stream by Jani Gröhn

9th March, Thursday

  • 10:30 Morning coffee stream by Jani Gröhn

Pixels 3 schedule:

10th March, Friday

  • 10:00-10:15 Opening and introductions by Violeta Ivanova and Jani Gröhn

  • 10:15-10:45 Company presentation by Yeti Care

  • 10:45 - 11:00 break

  • 11:00-12:00 Keynote speaker: Everyday Gamification Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

  • 12:00 - 12:30 lunch break

  • 12:30-13:00 Company presentation Adam Al-Sawad - Composer and CFO of Kalla Gameworks

  • 13:00-14:00 Workshop: Basics on how to set up a company by Josefiina Kotilainen - CEO https://www.startup-saatio.fi/

  • 14:00 - 14:15 break

  • 14:15-14:45 International College Jam 2 recap

  • 14:45-15:30 Demo clinic

  • 15:30 Closing

  • 17:00 Afterparty stream by WizardLotion on Twitch

We reserve the rights to make changes.

For any questions regarding the schedule or technical difficulties, please reach out to us via Discord.