Registration is now OPEN:


To register for the event, follow the links below:

Join us once again this November for another round of problem-solving challenges and rewards!

Satakunta 2.0 is an event, during which you will get the opportunity to meet local businesses of different industries, that excel in developing sustainability within the Satakunta region. The event includes networking, expert coaching and rewards for the challenge winners.

Prize pool 100€ per person from each winning team from each track.

Available tracks:

- Ecological sustainability

- Economical sustainability

- Social sustainability

- Transportation/Logistics sustainability

More info on the challengers below and on social media as they are announced.

Disclaimer: Registration (links below in English and Finnish) is on a first comes, first serves basis. If you want to be in a certain track of your choice, make sure to register asap. Once the challenge team slots are filled, you will be placed in random teams within other tracks that need more members.

Challenges will be revealed at the event! Follow @pori_es on Instagram to be the first to know the companies providing the challenges!

24.11. Networking event

Time: 18 - 20 (GMT+2)

Physically at Crazy Town, Pori Rautatienpuistokatu 7

Virtually via PoriES Discord server ( )

Come to meet the organizers and your team, network and get tips for the upcoming innovation challenge!

25.11.2021 Main event

Time: 8 - 19 (GMT+2)

Physical: Agora hall (SAMK), Satakunnankatu 23, Pori

- Bring a computer if you prefer to work on one, and an open mind!

Virtual: PoriES discord server ( )

Doors and virtual sign-in open 8.00 and the event starts at 8.30 am and ends around 19.00. Familiarize yourselves with Discord prior to the event, regardless of your chosen type of participation, to ensure smooth experience for all.

Come and mingle at Pori ES discord while you wait for the event!

Event Schedule (Subjected to changes):

24.11 Networking event

25.11 Main Event

Mingling in Agora and on Discord starts at 8am. Please come in early!


8.00 AM - Sign in opens in Agora and at

8.30 AM - Welcome words and brief

8.45 AM - Challenges are revealed by the challenge owners!

9.00 AM - Teams get a detailed brief of the challenge they’ll focus on

9.45 AM - Design thinking workshop

Hacking begins!

10.00 AM - Brainstorming

11.00 AM - Crystallization

Noon Working lunch - chance to meet the companies + company presentations

2.00 PM - Pitching workshop

2.30 PM - Work on your presentation begins

Pitching/presentation (can be done English and Finnish)

4.00 PM - All Teams pitch their ideas to the challenge owners

5.00 PM - Best two pitches from each challenge pitch on the ’main stage’

6.00 PM - Winners revealed and prize ceremony!

7.00 PM - The event ends

The event is organised together by Pori Entrepreneurship Society ry, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Talent Boost Satakunta, and Crazy Town.

Some of the event’s parts are funded by ERDF, ESR or EU Life funding programmes by Satakuntaliitto, ELY-center.

Stay tuned for more!
Challenge owners and mentors coming soon!

We reserve the rights to make changes.

Track 1: Logistics sustainability

SataMaa project

Main task of project is the current and targeted position of public transportation in Satakunta. In addition, the aim is to find a platform/application, in which an automated distance public transportation pilot which is both in user and transport service provider friendly. And in this innovation challenge we want to ideas for the platform/application and functions.

Kalle Toivonen, Project Manager

Track 2: Economical sustainability


HeadAI is a Finnish technology company providing responsible AI for futureproofing companies through automating and connecting non-structured and multilingual data flows from companies, education providers, and individuals to enable predictive simulations across skill-related data platforms.

Track 3: Ecological sustainability


The efficiency and low emissions of the Finnish technology industry are of global environmental value, as Finland is a world leader in the design, production and use of low-emission technological solutions.

Track 4: Social sustainability

Verve Terapia

Verve Terapia Pori has expertise in neurological rehabilitation, treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, psychophysical physiotherapy, chronic pain, paediatric clients, sports/Esports physiotherapy.



  • Noora Frelander

    Crowdfunding Expert + CRM, Service Design, Sales and Customer Relations for growing businesses. Frelander Solutions Nordic Health Club

  • Mirza Sagdati

    Founder of Red Brick Accelerator, turning innovation ideas into growing early-stage startup companies

  • Kasper Peltonen

    An expert game art & entertainment design instructor, professional graphic designer.

  • Rasmus Basilier

    Commercialization Specialist and Business Coach
